What is Duck Duck Jeep?

- Duck Duck Jeep was created by Alabama resident Allison Parliament, when she was visiting family in Ontario, Canada during the pandemic. While at a rest stop, a stranger approached her and shoved the woman against her Jeep hard enough to leave bruises, upset that she was visiting Canada due to the USA's lenient approach to the COVID-19 concerns at the time. But, Allison didn't let that interaction ruin her trip, and when she went to the store with her friend, she purchased a bag of Rubber Ducks, with the intention of hiding them around her friend's house for them to find. However, when she saw a large Jeep, she decided to write, "Nice Jeep-Have a great Day!" on the bottom of one of the ducks and leave it on the Jeep.

After posting pictures online, the idea grew very popular and quickly gained traction, even getting attention from Jeep's Corporate office. It is now a nationwide game among Jeep owners, with thousands of posts under the tag, #duckduckjeep.

If you'd like to read the whole story, visit https://elmoreautauganews.com/2021/03/25/duck-duck-jeep-founder-turns-scary-situation-around-to-help-supply-classrooms-worldwide/

I've been Ducked, what do I do now?

- It's up to you! You can keep the duck and display it on your dash, or pass it on to the next cool jeep you see! Anyone can duck jeeps or be ducked, and it's always fun to find a duck when you finish your shopping.

Can only Wranglers be ducked?

- Of course not! Any Jeep vehicle can be ducked, and it's encouraged to duck any Jeep you can, so everyone can be involved! Spread those smiles!

Where should I leave the ducks?

- Most Jeep owners will leave the ducks on the driver's side mirror, or door handle, so they can be easily grabbed as the owner is entering the car. If the Jeep has no doors, you can also leave it on the front seat!

Do I need to write a note?

- We recommend that anyone who chooses to participate attach a note to the duck that explains the game, or where to find more information about it. Feel free to re-use the tag that we have attached to your duck! You can also purchase "You've Been Ducked" Stickers or tags from our site, in case you want to dive even further into the game! Tags can also be personalized to your liking!

When is the best time to duck a Jeep?

- We recommend to only duck Jeeps during the day for safety and security, but feel free to duck anytime you can!


Have fun, and Happy Ducking Everyone!